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Password Reset

Enter the email address you used to register with us and click the "Reset My Password" button. Check your inbox in a few minutes for a new temporary password. Sometimes the email may end up in your spam folder. You can change your password anytime by logging in to Dirt Cheap Mover and opening "My Account" and then "Profile" where you'll find a link to change your password.

Please contact us if you're still unable to login after resetting your password.

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Add Dirt Cheap Mover to your mobile device Homescreen

Open Safari or your favorite browser and type in the address bar and tap go. When the website loads, find and open your browsers menu and scroll down to find the "Add to homescreen" link. Click the link and follow the directions. It's that easy!

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Add Dirt Cheap Mover to your mobile device Homescreen

Open Safari or your favorite browser and type in the address bar and tap go. When the website loads, find and open your browsers menu and scroll down to find the "Add to homescreen" link. Click the link and follow the directions. It's that easy!

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